19.02.2025 15:00:02
EQS-CMS: Wienerberger AG: Other issuer/company information
EQS Post-admission Duties announcement: Wienerberger AG
/ Publication according to § 119 (9) BörseG
Report on the intended transfer of treasury shares of Wienerberger AG
The members of the Supervisory Board of Wienerberger AG (the "Company") as well as the members of the Management Board, in each case with the member of the Management Board abstaining from the vote concerning own claims with regard to the delivery of treasury shares, submit the following report to the shareholders of the Company pursuant to (analogously) § 153 para. 4 in conjunction with § 159 para. 2 no. 3 Austrian Stock Corporation Act on the intended use of treasury shares of the Company for delivery of treasury shares to the members of the Management Board of the Company under the stock-based remuneration system LTI Program 2022 (the "LTI Program"). 1 Authorization regarding the use of treasury shares 1.1 Pursuant to § 65 para. 1b sentence 4 of the Austrian Stock Corporation Act and in accordance with the legal assessment, no resolution of a General Meeting is required if treasury shares are used for the granting of stock options or as direct share allocation or remuneration within the framework of participation programs for employees, senior executives, members of the management board, and members of the supervisory board of a stock corporation or an affiliated company. 1.2 Analogously to § 153 para. 4 in conjunction with § 159 para. 2 no. 3 of the Austrian Stock Corporation Act, a separate report on the intended sale of treasury shares must be published, whereby the supervisory board's approval may be obtained no earlier than two weeks after publication. This publication obligation is fulfilled with the present report. 2 Granting of shares within the framework of a share-based remuneration system 2.1 The Company's 2020-2024 share-based remuneration system established by the Supervisory Board for the Management Board stipulates that, in addition to a short-term stock based compensation component, each member of the Management Board is entitled to a long-term variable stock based compensation component, which is structured as the LTI Program and aims to focus the activities of Management Board members more strongly on increasing the value of the Company and increasing their identification with the Company's long-term planning and objectives. 2.2 Under the LTI Program, the following maximum delivery entitlements for Wienerberger shares arise for 2022, subject to compensation of the tax and levy difference between calculation and transfer values:
The shares to be delivered are based on a calculation price of EUR 26.68 per share in accordance with the provisions of the LTI Program. 3 Exclusion of shareholders' repurchase rights 3.1 The possibility of use treasury shares by other means than through the stock exchange or by public offering for the delivery of treasury shares to the members of the Management Board as part of the share-based remuneration system would, if implemented, be in the interest of the Company and proportionate: such share-based remuneration systems are common practice and widespread among listed companies today. The implementation of such share-based remuneration systems is generally recognized and expected by long-standing members of the management board of listed companies. Share-based remuneration systems providing for the allocation of treasury shares in the Company serve to enhance the motivation of executives, increase the length of services of executives within a company, and promote an executive's efforts to deliver revenue and earnings growth. A share-based remuneration system increases the attractiveness of a company as an employer. In the absence of a share-based remuneration system, the Company would be forced to pay out higher variable remuneration components in cash to individual members of the management. Finally, investors also expect the management to participate in the company's success. Consequently, the Company's 2020-2024 stock-based compensation policy was established by the Supervisory Board for the Management Board and stipulates that, in addition to a short-term compensation component, each member of the Management Board is entitled to a long-term variable compensation component, which is structured as an LTI program and aims to focus the activities of Management Board members more strongly on increasing the value of the Company and increasing their identification with the Company's long-term planning and objectives. In addition, the members of the Management Board agreed with the Supervisory Board that the shares to be delivered under this LTI Program would be subject to a retention period of 4 years in view of the long-term nature of the remuneration component. 3.2 The possibility of using treasury shares for the purpose of delivering treasury shares under the share-based remuneration system is also necessary in order to implement such a system independently of any conditional and/or authorized conditional capital and its requirements. 3.3 Pursuant to § 65 para. 1b of the Austrian Stock Corporation Act, the transfer of treasury shares to employees, executives and/or members of the management board of the company or an affiliated company for the granting of stock options is justified by law. The use of treasury shares, excluding the possibility for shareholders to purchase such shares, does not result in the "typical" dilution of shareholders. Initially, the shareholdings of existing shareholders and the voting power arising from the existing shareholders' "increased" merely due to the fact that the Company, based on the corresponding authorizations by the Annual General Meeting, purchased its own shares, and the rights from these shares were suspended as long as they were held by the Company as treasury shares. A reduction within the sphere of the individual existing shareholder only occurs when the Company re-uses the purchased treasury shares while excluding the possibility for shareholders to purchase these shares. After the treasury shares have been used, the shareholders again have the status they had before the Company acquired the treasury shares in question. In this context, it should also be noted that, due to the small size of the transaction, the members of the Management Board cannot acquire a controlling interest in the Company. The shareholders will not suffer any significant disadvantage due to the small size of the transaction: the intended delivery only involves up to 23,700 shares in the Company (up to around 0.021% of the share capital of Wienerberger AG). As of the reporting date of this report, the Company holds a total of 2,553,820 treasury shares, with a total number of shares of currently 111,732,343. 3.4 Overall, the exclusion of re-purchase rights (subscription rights) of existing shareholders is therefore objectively justified. 3.5 The use of treasury shares, excluding shareholders' re-purchase rights (subscription rights), for the delivery of treasury shares under a share-based remuneration system is a common and generally accepted practice. In addition, the extensive disclosure requirements in connection with the use of treasury shares – also in connection with any other disclosure requirements that apply to listed companies such as Wienerberger AG - ensure comprehensive transparency in connection with the use of treasury shares. Moreover, the exclusion of re-purchase rights (subscription rights) is only possible with the approval of the Supervisory Board. The Company's Management Board cannot decide independently in this matter. In addition, the respective member of the Management Board abstains from voting on its own behalf. This does not expose the interests of existing shareholders to any particular risk. 3.6 The Management Board, in each case with the member of the Management Board abstaining from the vote concerning own claims with regard to the delivery of treasury shares, and the Supervisory Board of the Company therefore come to the conclusion that the delivery of treasury shares under the share-based remuneration system, excluding re-purchase rights (subscription rights) of the shareholders, complies with the applicable statutory requirements. 4 Next steps 4.1 No earlier than two weeks after publication of this Report, the subsequent, mandatorily required Supervisory Board resolution on the technical implementation of the use of treasury shares and thereafter no earlier than three trading days after publication of the intended use (re-sale) of treasury shares, treasury shares in the Company may be delivered to the respective members of the Management Board on the conditions outlined above in accordance with the selected share components. 4.2 The delivery is to be completed within a timeframe from 12 March 2025 at the earliest to 8 May 2025 at the latest (both inclusive). Vienna, February 2025 The Management Board of Wienerberger AG (in each case with the member of the Management Board abstaining from the vote concerning own claims with regard to the delivery of treasury shares)
The Supervisory Board of Wienerberger AG
19.02.2025 CET/CEST |
Language: | English |
Company: | Wienerberger AG |
Wienerbergerplatz 1 | |
1100 Wien | |
Austria | |
Internet: | www.wienerberger.com |
End of News | EQS News Service |
2088697 19.02.2025 CET/CEST
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